About Me

Hello, I am
Bhagya Neupane

Hello, my name is Bhagya Neupane. For the past 10 years, I have been making videos on social media, traveling to different villages in Nepal to help people in need, showing their hidden talents, and creating social content. I have made over 1500 videos and helped thousands of Nepalese people. My YouTube channel, “Bhagya Neupane,” has 2.6 million subscribers, and my media company name is Tattato Khabar. I am very thankful to all the Nepalese who have supported and encouraged me. I will keep working hard and hope to continue receiving your love and support. Thank you.

  • What is needed to run a YouTube channel? Understand the essential tools and resources.
  • Who can run a YouTube channel? Learn who can start a channel and the skills required to maintain it.
  • How to select content? Discover how to choose the right topics that will engage your audience and reflect your passion.
  • How to shoot videos? Get practical tips on shooting videos on your mobile.
  • What type of videos to make? Explore different video formats and styles to find what works best for your channel.
  • Video editing :  Learn the basics of editing your videos on your mobile.
  • How to create a new YouTube channel? Step-by-step instructions on setting up your channel from scratch.
  • Many other essential aspects of starting a YouTube channel: Gain insights into promoting your channel, understanding YouTube analytics, and growing your subscriber base.

Why Join This Course?

This course is designed to be comprehensive and practical, making it accessible for anyone with a mobile phone and a passion for creating content. Whether you’re in Nepal or living abroad, you are welcome to join and benefit from my decade of experience in the YouTube community.

A Personal Invitation

I am excited to welcome all Nepalese to this course. Your support and encouragement over the years have been invaluable, and now I want to give back by helping you start your own YouTube journey.

The Promise of Support

I hope this course will be very helpful to you, providing the tools and confidence you need to succeed on YouTube. Join me, and let’s create something amazing together. Thank you for your support and trust.
Warm regards, Bhagya Neupane